Summer Perennials
Now that the summer is in full bloom, it is an excellent time to think about perennial beds.
There are several advantages of planting summer perennials over annuals. Perennials come back every year, usually bigger and better. Many can be divided and moved to another area or given to a friend. Perennials that grow in Teton Valley are typically hardier than annuals and able to survive our late spring and early fall frosts. Quite a few perennials are native to our area and can do very well with little or no care.
Perennials are available in a wide variety of colors, and your garden can include a varying rainbow of color as some perennials fade and others bloom. If you thoughtfully plan your garden, you can have blooming flowers in early May through September with a variety of heights, textures, and colors.
I appreciate the misunderstanding I have had with Nature over my perennial border. I think it is a flower garden; she thinks it is a meadow lacking grass and tries to correct the error. Sara Stein from ” My Weeds: A gardeners Botany.”
Examples of early bloomers are tulips, daffodils, catmint, columbine, lupine, and pasqueflower. Midsummer bloomers include yarrow, penstemon, daises, and campanula. For the late summer and early fall, try asters, Russian sage, sedum, and coneflower. Visit friends and neighbors gardens for new ideas to enhance your perennial beds.
Do you have the problem mention in this quote? If so, you may want to consider putting metal edging along the borders of your beds. It can be easily installed and will help prevent the spread of grass into your flower area. The first step is to get rid of all the grass roots inside the bed area and then install the edging. It is best to pull the roots out by hand, and if you moisten the area in question, this should be relatively easy.